Bluegrass and Bistro Stage
2017 Photos
(Saturday, in order of appearance)by  Brad Sondahl unless otherwise noted
group names are under each photo

\Crab Creek Wranglers

Crawdad Run

photo Bob Thompson

Kettle Creek Bluegrass
Kettle Creek Dark Hollow video

Montana Ramblers
Swing Down played by the Montana Ramblers

Brad Keeler Trio
\Panhandle Rag played by Brad Keeler Trio

Photo Bob Thompson
The Mighty Dreadful
Wild Coyote played by Mighty Dreadful

secondphoto Bob Thompson
River City Ramblers

Blue Water Strangers

second photo Bob Thompson
Jackie Fox and the Hounds
San Antonio Rose by Jackie Fox and the Hounds

photo Bob Thompson

Mountain Dew Boys

Mark Harding, Sound

photo index